Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Conservatives Announce Policies...

There was a shocking revelation announced by the Conservative Health Spokesman Andrew Lansley on the Today programme, earlier today. Not that the Tories would plan to cut funding to "vital" areas in the NHS by 10%, even though this is quite shocking, but the revelation was that the Tories actually announced a concrete policy.

Sadly not, backtracking faster than Usain Bolt in a 100m sprint, the Conservatives said this was not a policy announcement, but a statement of Labour Party policy past 2011. It is approaching summer and the opening of the silly season, but this has to be one of the strangest exchanges of any Parliament.
  • First Andrew Lansley claims it was Tory Party policy
  • Then Gordon Brown attacks the Tories for destroying the NHS
  • David Cameron retorts by claiming it is actually Labour Party policy
  • Everyone starts pointing fingers claiming it is each others policy
  • And Nick Clegg changes the subject completely

That is democracy in action...

However, it is easy for the public to believe that it could be both a Labour policy and a Tory policy; since neither party has clearly stated any official economic policies or public spending projections for the next five years. This policy could well be the policy of both parties, but with the public still reeling from the MPs' expenses scandal neither Gordon Brown nor David Cameron wish to tell the public how bad things are going to be.

It is going to be a fun summer; playing policy hot potato...

1 comment:

  1. Politicians pointing the finger?

    It's like PM's question time is doing an outside broadcast...
