Friday, 19 June 2009

The Daily Telegraph's Top Ten...

Now that the expenses scandal is drawing to a close, much to Parliament's relief, there has been an air of nostalgic reflection amongst some sections in the media. The Daily Telegraph, for instance, has drawn up a "Top Ten" list of MPs' excuses and reaction to the scandal:

1. "Do you know what it's about? Jealousy". No, Sir Anthony Steen, we're afraid, it isn't.

2. Maybe a decent moat to keep commoners out didn't seem such a bad idea to Douglas Hogg after he was chased down the street by a mob of reporters.

3. Sir John Butterfill simply didn't have time to dig out the figures on how much his servants' quarters cost the taxpayer before his big Newsnight interview.

4. Speaker Michael Martin berates the hapless Kate Hoey in front of the entire Commons, and of course, the nation...

5. ... which turned out to be less than wise when Mr Martin was forced to resign a few days later.

6. Salford's pocket rocket Hazel Blears brandishes THAT cheque in a desperate bid for survival.

7. In one of the expenses saga's most excruciating moments Andrew MacKay and one of his constituents have a difference of opinion in front of the cameras.

8. Justice minister Shahid Malik makes a strident defence of his claims for a home entertainment system just hours before announcing his resignation.

9. David Cameron names and shames the Tories who will be paying a visit to the fees office to hand back the thousands they claimed.

10. Presenters of Radio 4's Today Programme are expected to keep a straight face even in the face of the most ridiculous duck-related stories. Pity nobody told Evan Davis.

The Telegraph missed Kitty Ussher's misjudged resignation in the belief that the expenses released yesterday would reveal her "flipping" first homes to avoid Capital Gains Tax. Sadly, the "redacted" expenses claims showed no incriminating information.

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