Sunday, 24 May 2009

Nadine Dorries Manufactures Discontent.

It is surprising that in the current political climate, in which MPs are the focus of much media scrutiny, that any Member of Parliament would attempt to attract any unnecessary attention by making indefensible and rash statements. By claiming that certain MPs are 'suicidal' and that there is a McCarthyite 'witch-hunt' in progress, Nadine Dorries (Member of Parliament for the lucky constituency of Mid Bedfordshire) has seemingly achieved the impossible. She has managed to create even less sympathy for plight of our harassed MPs.

It is possible to attempt to draw two conflicting conclusions from Ms Dorries' actions, firstly it was a naive attempt to garner sympathy amongst the her constituency and the general public for our beleaguered MPs. Or it was a masterful Machiavellian manoeuvre designed to throw the media off the scent by claiming something so outrageous that it would baffle and confuse. Thankfully, neither worked.

In future to attract similar levels of media attention, Ms Dorries will have to make bigger and bolder claims. Personally, I can not wait for the claim of a Stalinist Purge or the allegation that the media are attempting to 'restart civilisation'.

However, I am going to heed my mother's valuable advice, if you can not say anything good about a person, then do not say anything at all. So with regards to Nadine Dorries...



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