Thursday, 28 May 2009

EU: Self Help Or Self Harm?

The MPs have really done it this time; they have eroded public trust, including their political capital and have brought unprecedented levels of scrutiny on all Members of Parliament. But the consequences of their actions (money grabbing) go much further...

Possibly the most hard hit of all institutions, because of the MPs' expenses scandal, will be the impact upon the EU. Not just in terms of a vote against all major parties, a bloody nose of sorts for what the public consider a betrayal of trust, but for the institution of the EU Parliament.

MPs have erode their own political capital, not so much the political capital of Parliament as an institution, the concept of the House of Commons is firmly ingrained in the consciousness of the British public. In which most realise that it is the MPs and their expenses which need reform, rather than a major overhaul of the institution itself.

However, the European Parliament can not afford a scandal; the institution has little perceived political capital in the eyes of the general public. This institution has its own expenses scandal waiting to explode, but there will be fewer people willing to promote it once it does.

The major issue that the EU Parliament faces is one of self promotion, it has more vocal detractors than supporters, and it seems almost embarrassed to publicize it successes. Without public knowledge of the many success of the EU Parliament, many will continue to believe the crazy, Daily Mail/Express stories. For the anti-EU lobby ignorance is bliss.

If the EU Parliament wishes to have more support across Europe it must develop a culture of self promotion, shout about the success stories, make themselves relevant to people's lives. Maybe use some of the money saved on MEP's expenses to advertise itself.

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