Thursday, 22 April 2010

Ratf*****g - UK Style

There is a new style of politics developing in Britain, to anyone that has just a passing interest in US politics, the insidious sniping and constant mudslinging are all too familiar. It is not surprising that Nick Clegg has become a serious threat to the Conservatives and Labour, his performance on the first Leaders debate was accomplished in this X-Factor driven society, and his bounce in the opinion polls came as shock to everyone that had not seen Will Young beat Gareth Gates in Pop Idol.

Therefore it is only to be expected that the Right of Centre press has reacted to Nick Clegg in a way that is normally only reserved for war criminals and paedophiles. These personal attacks are shameful, they add nothing to the political debate, just contribute to atmosphere of cheap politics in the minds of the public. By all means attack the policies of the other parties, that is what the election is about - but personal slurs reduce this election to a substandard US election run on a shoe string budget.

Furthermore, the election debate is dragged further down into the mire when organisations like ConservativeHome, run "advertisements" like this:

Firstly, this is amazing from a party that, during the MPs Expenses scandal, claimed for duck houses and moat cleaning. Secondly and probably more importantly, it cheapens the Conservative message. At least in America they throw a bit of money at their slurs (see below):

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